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A while ago, a saw that there is a code which can make sticky header on every page, while the header on home page is transparent. Can anyone help me? My website is
What could be the problem it looks so bad? (This is how it must looking) Link:
Appreciate the answer
1, 2, 3 are images
Please read this before commenting:This dropshipping website ( is using some images, which were originally made by and this website doesn't run Meta ads, but 24builds does. So will I be penalized for using this pictures on m...
If you swipe right, another picture will come out. How to do this?
01-03-2025 , check it on mobile
Can anyone help me, how to make it
I did steal a homepage banner image from a website, and want to promote my website on Meta ads, but this website is also running a lot of ads there. So any chance my ads can be declined by algorithms?
Thank you bro
Thank you, bro
How to make this?
wow, thanks a lot ❤️ That saved me time
I think I already know how to make this, but I'm not sure, I actually just createda normal collapsible row, and through the code inspect, copied and pasted the codeof this collapsible row in a custom liquid, that worked well (either way I couldn't mo...
Wow, no way bro, that helped me. Thank you a lot