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We are having similar issues, we have to set up new products daily and we sell vinyl records and CDs and most publish in all markets and then randomly some become restricted, they usually become unrestricted within a few days, but that hurts us. Supp...
ours eventually went through, but took a day, I got to check tto see if its happened again.
Our missing failed payouts came through on Feb 9th
No its still the same two days Jan 27 and Jan 31 any installments pays failed. We added new products on 1/27 and had a lot of traffic that day, so there were 15 install pay transacations so that adds up on 1/31 there was only 1, but still. Someon ...
We just noticed shop pay installments payouts failed in January, I'm wondering if it has to do with this.
We just noticed this as well and looked back in January and there were multiple shop pay installment payouts that failed. I got on chat and they were no help saying to contact our bank to see why the payments failed. I did some research and found t...
yeah here in the US today 2 customer refunds are all pending and the customer keeps emailing us demanding the refund and confirmation. So this seems to be s Shopify systems issues and all they can say it wait it out?
there is an issue with this and shopify, we had it happen twice, we had to manually fulfill both times, customers had proof of their paypayl or CC getting charged and no record in our system, but we located the orders in the abandoned cart area. How...
I have had this issue happen twice in the past 2 monrhs, where customers reach out with their paypal receipt but did not get a confirmation email and then we go to look and there is no record in our system but we have found the order in the abandoned...
I downloaded this and selected the date of June 30th and it doens't work, I messaged the app company and they said they can't pull inventory or valuation snapshots in the past. they got a lot of good reports, but this is what I'm looking for, they su...
I just downloaded it too, will give it a try. Checked the shopify reports again today, still nothing
Is anyone seeing order confirmation delays after a customer places an order? We are getting multiple people asking why they didn't get a confirmation via email. I looked on the backend many were sent right away others were 5 to 6 mins later and one...
Everyone needs to email shopify support the issue or report via chat. I emailed yesterday here is what they said: Thank you for your inquiry regarding the June inventory reports.This is an issue that our developers are aware of on the platform. We un...
I reached out to support on chat yesterday, July 10 and they said they are working to resolve it, this is the longest its ever been for me, I can usually run it 3 to 4 days after the month closes.
I think you mean July 11th, I actually reached out to support and got on chat yesterday about it and they said they are working to resolve this. I can usually run the report 3 to 4 days after the month closes.