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As DEMONSTRATED on the PICTURE, I want that the SHOP button to have two functions, one of them redirecting the user to the ALL PRODUCTS/AKA DESTINATION PAGE that it is set to, as well as by hover opening up the sub mega menu. How can I do that?
I've been trying to do text-align to right only on the Quick Links, but it also moves the Stay Up To date sign to the right. How do I move Quick Links seperately to the right?
How could I make it so instead of the "EMAIL" it would say "EMAIL ADDRESS"? Store link: longdistanceloveclub.comStore password: edimar123
longdistanceloveclub.comedimar123 Here it is, I forgot to attach it on the first post!
How do I make the navigation menu hoverable as well as clickable? Clickable in a way so it directs me to the actual shop page (final page) when I click it, and the hover is just to open the navigation menu. I went thru a lot of pages and I haven't fo...
It works perfectly, thank you!
As you can see on the image below, I want the collections cards to be full width on the screen, I don't mind if their heigh increase as well, I just want it to fit fully on the screen. How can I do that? Website: longdistanceloveclub.comPassword: ed...
I want the image banner of my website to cover even the header part when someone enters the store similarly tohere: And then when they scroll or hover over the menu, it turns back to the default color like this, and I also want the text color to ch...
Wow, it works perfectly. Thank you so much! One thing, that the copyright text disappear, why is that? Perhaps should I set the padding higher?It only appaers to be like this on desktop mode. Additionally it doesn't allow me to click on the SHOP but...
I already tried many ways, but unfortunately I haven't found any ways yet that works. I put the brand information as a column next to the quick links, and is there any way that I can replace that with the NEWSLETTER, so the newsletter becames a colum...
It works perfectly, thank you so much! One more thing, is there a possibility to make it in such way, when you go to mobile UI, it changes back to icons?
Hello Devcoders,Thank you for reaching out! The website: password: edimar123I would add additionally that if it changes to Mobile View (Only the search and Cart, as the account disappears), it would switch back to...
How do I change the header icons into text and have a reasonable gap between them once its changed? (Dawn theme) Basically from thisTo this:Also it would be nice that the the amount of items that are in the bag, appears on the right side. I already t...