Hi, If I try to fulfill an order with multiple line items (but with different custom fulfillment services), it does not work through the API. Here's one call: curl -X POST -H 'Content-...
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I have a GraphQL query like this:   query FirstTwentyCustomers { customers(first:20, query:"-tag:RET_50 AND -tag:RET_52 AND -tag:RET_55 AND -tag:EMP_30 AND -tag:CONSUMER"){ edges{ node{ id firstName ...
This is the mutation I send using the admin API:mutation { inventoryBulkAdjustQuantityAtLocation( locationId: "gid://shopify/Location/25845903", inventoryItemAdjustments: [{inventoryItemId: "gid://shopify/InventoryItem/41523176341688", availableDelta...
Hi,On January 5th, we pushed a bunch of fulfillments through the REST API. There were no errors (API call did not return errors) - so we marked them internally as fulfilled. Turned out that there were some issues with Shopify and some of the orders w...
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