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I am not sure if anyone experiencing this issue until this year, but I did. So I am posting my fix here.Feel free to not use the (>) combinator, I am not familiar with Dawn so I am making sure it only affects the filter.@media screen and (max-width: ...
You can create a helper class for that. In base.css, create a class .bold {
font-weight: 700;
.red {
color: red;
} and you can use this class to any element.Ex. <h2 class="bold red">FIND YOUR FESTIVAL <em>OUTFIT!</em></h2>
You cannot actually connect to metafield if the type is different.Metafield type of url cannot be connected to a richtext. In order for you to use the dynamic source, the metafield type and schema type must be the same. In the collapsible row schema,...
Check the image position of your default variant image in product back end.
Hey, assuming you did not change the default element classes in Dawn, below css will work for you. If not you can share your store link. .product-grid-container .card__heading {
font-weight: 700;
text-align: center;
} Cheers!
Hi, I may be late but this is for future reference.In assets/price.liquid check if you have a variable named 'use_variant: {Boolean}If there is, you just need to render it like this {% render 'price', use_variant: true %} Hope that helps!