May 21, 2020
The Shopify Plus Global Nav developer preview enables you to test how your embedded apps will look on Shopify Plus stores that feature our global navigation menu. By testing your app...
May 21, 2020
Currently available, the Localization Extensions developer preview allows partners and app developers to access the tax id collected during checkout and use this information to augment shipping apps ...
Apr 27, 2020
Learning GraphQL and implementing it into your app can be difficult when first starting out. Please see the simplified tutorial below on how you can quickly start making calls using Node and Express....
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User Activity
Try getting more info on what failed using userErrors
Also, I just want to add here that the new image_tag won't work with images in the assets folder.
{{ 'watch-feature-icon.jpeg' | asset_img_url: '19x24' | img_tag: 'Some alt text', 'feature-icon' }}
Above won't work with image_tag because we want ...
Hi Pengyi, can you check that app is being set.
Hi Pengyi,
Yes you should use session token with each request so you can identify user.
Note to all apps getting this warning. If you know your app doesn't use the discount allocation field and you've u...
Have you checked all your calls, especially the ones where you don't specify a version? For calls which don't specify a version it automatically defaults to the oldest available one, which is 2020-04 right now. However if you wait until July 1 wh...
Hi PTQ, can you DM me your app id?
Hi @darakhsa_farhan ,
Can you explain your scenario where the token is expiring?
Have you tried regularly polling for a new token? I've seen some take this approach.
Also, I've started a channel in the partner slack at #session-token-migration...
@konradko I'll dm you the details of one of the calls.
@kalitas Please update your webhooks to the latest version. You're currently on 2020-04
Hi @mierenga ,
Yes this is a confusing part of the code, that ideally requires further investigation on our end to clean it up.
Only the line-level “logic” discount will be shown in the line item’s discount_allocations.If it is a cart-level “logic” d...
The source code from the demo is based off of this repo.
As indicated via a notification on your partner dashboard, new embedded apps are now required to use session tokens instead of cookies for authorization.
This requirement will apply to all embedded apps by Jan 1 2022.
Below is a link to a video tutor...
Hi Big Van Studio1,
The reason you are seeing this now is explained in stephers response. As for why you are getting the warning for orders/create is because it returned an order with a discount that had method allocation set as 'one'. As for the lin...
Hi, just wanted to say that this is a possibly breaking call, where there's no way for Shopify to know if your app is using the 'one' value.
So we won't be delisting any apps that continue to get this warning. It's just that our API health report cu...