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Hi, I encountered a similar issue and opted to display the variant price directly within the variant value. In my theme, I edited the variant-button.liquid snippet, which is rendered within the product form snippet. However, I still wanted the proper...
Can you share a screenshot of your flow? I just tried it again and it works for me.Try checking Recent runs under your flow after creating a test customer. Make sure you have the correct condition written from the above example.
I have posted a solution to this thread, I was able to do this with Shopify flow to add customer tags and later create a list with a tag filter in Klavio.
Hello,If you have a Shopify Plus then you can use Shopify Flow to achieve this.You can create the following flow1. When the customer is created > Check if the customerLocale includes en > Tag the customer "English"(If the customer places an order/ cu...
It did work from the inventory page but not from the product page. Thank you so much! 
Hello,If you are having a Shopify Plus then you can use Shopify Flow to achieve this.You can create the following flow1. When the customer is created > Check if the customerLocale includes en > Tag the customer "English"(If the customer places an ord...
You can try Yandex Metrica. It's similar to Google Analytics. It's free and also has a feature to track the screen heat map and customer's behavior with screen recording etc.There was a bug on my website while using older browsers. The video recordin...
This is a known issue as Google had released a security update that seems to be flagging Shopify export emails as suspicious. There is a workaround though. 1. Open the email in the original format 2. Search for "" 3. Remove "=" f...
Here is a fantastic soultion by amanIt can show you the text message when you choose "Cannada" as a shipping country.Example : can add more countries in the if condition and customize the message.Here is the tutorial ...
(Following)Did you finally figure out the way to do it?I found this on sof
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