Would like to get some feedback on my store. Getting lifestyle photos for a majority of my products in the store soon. Getting professional photos for the welcome banner instead of the one I ...
Hello, I just started advertising a little and get 24-34 people a day on my site. I am wondering what I can improve on my site. I got one sale the other day but most people just look. I know I need ...
Hello, I have gotten my website made already but I need some minor changes done. Such as I am getting 360 degree photography and want to be able to hover over the product and it display the gif that...
What should I do I really don’t see any resemblance. I have a pineapple logo and his is too but different. a pineapple is a common entity to use I can’t be copyright striked for that. He took down my...
Hello, I am looking to take my website to the next level. Currently the layout is pretty amateur and I know a lot more customers would buy if I had a more welcoming modern website. I looked on reddi...
Hello, I am looking to take my website to the next level. Currently the layout is pretty amateur and I know a lot more customers would buy if I had a more welcoming modern website. I looked on reddi...
Hello, I am the owner of Dank Shades and I was sent an email by Shopify saying i need to download and verify my account. I downloaded the file once before and signed in then it goes to a blank whi...
Hello Everyone, I launched by business a week ago and being me I ponder every little thing that happens I am getting an ok flow of traffic right now about 20-30 a day sometimes 60 but that's on ...
Hello everyone! I just started up my business and I would love some tips on how I can expand and promote my page. Can someone give me feedback on my website and tell me what you think of the...
Hello all, I am trying to figure out some way I can make a back order or pre order kind of template for the sunglasses I will be selling. When and if I run out I would like there to be a way to or...
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User Activity

Is this anything to be worried about? I am getting these in my email. I wanted to know if I should worry and if so how to fix them. 
This worked great!! Is there a way to just make them smaller?? 
This worked great!! Is there a way to just make them smaller??
How can I get rid of the commas circled? My website is www.dankshades.com and I just wanted to get rid of those it looks like a customer review. 
Hello, Can you optimize my store speed? Let me know what your rates are. I do not to much clutter but it is enough to drop my score a bitI will email you.
If you could help cleanup code on my website I could pay you!!
If you could help cleanup code on my website I could pay you!
My website is www.dankshades.com Would love to fix this it use to be in the 30'sPossibly left over code doing this also. 
How do I get this to show on all my pages it only shows on one page at the moment. IS there a way to see the code or change this so people can view my other products while on the product page? Thank you. https://www.dankshades.com/collections/dank-sh...
Hello,The "you also might like these products" Only displays on the page linked below but not the other product pages. How can I fix this?https://www.dankshades.com/collections/dank-shades-clothing/products/logo-graphic-tee-pink-sunset-palm-trees  
I really have no clue what this means
Hello,I just started advertising a little and get 24-34 people a day on my site. I am wondering what I can improve on my site. I got one sale the other day but would like to get more. I know I need to get pictures of people with my product.  Otherwis...
Hello, request access to my store.    dank-shades.myshopify.com  I will send you 10 dollars if you can do this.  Keep the solid picture from collection view but after clicking the first pic that comes up is the 360 gif.
https://www.dankshades.com/collections/dank-shades-clothingFrom here It is spinning on the collections page. Is there a way to keep the gif as the first image but on the collections page it is a still image like the second image where it just shows t...
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