Hi all! I'm created public app based on latest App Bridge React 2.0 and Koa Auth. Everything works fine, app is installed successfully, except for one final touch: redirection c...
Hi! the documentation says: published (Boolean) Only products with an active status can be published. This argument is deprecated: Use PublishablePublish instead. ...
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Hi!Are there any problems with adding draftOrder with custom items via API?I tried both options with variantId = null and without variantId, but in any case I get an error: { field: null, message: 'Product variant not found.' }   lineItems: [ > ...
if you want get inv Level Id and locations by GraphQL, you can get it by product variant request: variants(first:10){ edges { node { inventoryItem{ invent...
Hi!The API's docs state that order's line_items contain duties array (origin country and hs-code).These fields are filled, but on order creation event webhook object doesn't contain duties fields,why?Has anyone experienced this?

yes, that's exactly what I did, thank you for reply 
Apparently Shopify don't bother about backward compatibility, but only urge switch to new technology
i couldn't upgrade old "koa/next" project to latest cli 3.0 due "Unable to obtain an available random port number!" error and had to create new cli 3.0 project. Then file by file migrate to new technology (express/react-query) - in fact, everything h...
Hi! No, i don't find it, I was forced to create new project with CLI 3.0 (init command) and move and remake files from oldschool project
Of course I studied migration guide, and two processes are mentioned there: front-end and back-end !what it is? what is front-end process and where does it living ?
Hi!Faced with migrating app to 3.0 and I'm confused by the new terminology, some kind of mess of terms.what is two-process apps ? where are these processes ? what processes do you mean ?If i have embedded admin app with online theme blocks - how do I...
Hi! I trying setup development process in Google Cloud Shell Ide based on shopify-cli, but faced with the need shopify login, which is lead to user interface auth submitting, based on host. Auth link link looks like https://accounts.sh...
Hi! Please consider advanced search by custom fields with this app Parameterizer.You can add unlimited filter criteria and products parameters on collection page for selecting large amount products with many properties, included fixed text parameters...
After remaking _app.js with getting host from props, redirect now works properly
ctx.redirect(`/?shop=${shop}&host=${host}`);don't works, lead to 404 Page
the solution is not obvious, rather than a solution, but common phrases that we have read many times, does this mean we need to do like this?ctx.redirect(`/?host=${host}`)ctx.redirect(`/?shop=${shop}?host=${host}`)
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