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You would need to use the [value].  So in your case{{ item.product.value.title }} 
I'm not sure if you have the metaobject right on the shop, but generally you need to connect the metaobject to something via a metafield.In the example below I create a metafield on the page (also called team_member) and connected a metaobject to tha...
I would suggest using MetaObjects (which is conceptually the same as metafields) because they're way easier for management (ie you could put all the data for each section in 1 MetaObject and you can re-use the MetaObjects (say for FAQs where they may...
Hey, There's no way to make a product with multiple prices, since everyone on the internet looking at your store will see the same price. The way to get around this is usually to make sub-products and add them together.  However, in your case it migh...
So you're trying to make a fetch call from the frontend?  I wrote a blog post on how to do this, The top part is a little outdate, but the JS is th...
Oh thanks!! That's really good to know!
Ok...this is kind of hacky, but I'm trying to do the same thing and you could use the template_suffix property.  Create an article template for each blog type (even if they're identical), then use the template_suffix to know which blog each article i...
I'm trying to create a new fulfillment from a background job called from a rake task.First I create the session and activate it in the background jobsession = shop.shopify_domain, token: shop.shopify_token, api_version...
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