True, but if you want better success with such a question, I'd recommend trying the apps or wholesale & drop shipping boards here as technically, this isn't a technical question. Try there for so...
I couldn't find a thread where to extend my gratitude so... Awesome work everyone @ Shopify and part of developing and launching this revamped edition of the Shopify Community Forum...
I have written this essay in response to another thread, and generally for all those who at times feel frustrated with Shopify for whatever reason. But as it grew, it became more and more off-topic a...
[Edit: BUMP] Hey guys & gals! I've spent a few weeks digging in to the Shopify developer ecosystem exploring your many APIs, getting to know Liquid and themes, Theme Editor, Admin UI & ...
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User Activity

@Rishabh_Tayal and @yuchen1 Right now the shopify-cli will only show extension options if your paired store has the appropriate feature flag enabled by Shopify - that is currently still being tested in beta so isn't available to everyone just yet.I'd...
@8tomo8 Hi, I am not aware of any announcements regarding release dates beyond what has already been said by Shopify. Their product teams are working hard to get this feature published and there's a discussion channel on partners #slack too. I am sur...
@Derek_Morin I'm afraid the answer to both questions is a no.
Hi @tiansecartridge One simple way would be to create a private app with necessary access scopes for orders (and / or other scopes) and provide your ERP merchant with the apps API key / password so they can periodically query and import orders or wha...
@chenster Yes we can use the usual Additional scripts / application proxies and yes we can use Edit Order API though that will create a calculated order and if the total price has increased, the buyer will need to be redirected to checkout payment ag...
Using Argo Checkout (aka post-purchase upsell) without closed beta inviteSort of. Truth is we do not have access to the extension point in checkout on our dev stores and therefor cannot use Argo Checkout within the context of a real host.Good news is...
@Gregarican True, I forgot the non JS world 
@Derek_Morin Subscriptions API should be 01/2021 or early 2021. Argo Checkout should be sometime in 2021 but no dates have been dropped yet.I'll be updating this thread with new discoveries documenting what I can and how to use Argo Checkout. My last...
As @mrad pointed out, the JSON responses are documented but there are no schema for validation. I do not believe validating the entire response is necessary - i.e. no need to validate the response as it resolves, just validate inputs at function leve...
Yeah, Netlify CMS is great too. I don't think you'd go wrong with either if a simple CMS is what you're looking for. I only suggested TinaCMS because its codebase is somewhat smaller and easier to grok 
Not that I am aware of. The products connection doesn't have a query argument.You're basically left with fetching all products within that collection and then filtering them client side using JS. Alternatively, query all products within a price range...
Hi @cordial666 Shopify pages are just a chunk of HTML and trying to make anything out of it or add some semantic order to it is rather futile.Since you're already using Gatsby, simply use a headlessly CMS for managing your structured content - someth...
Hi @Aoliver98 Think about it the other way around. What collection do I want to show products for? So first query the collection, then its products connection.{ collectionByHandle(handle: "casual-things") { products(first: 10) { edges { ...
Now let me be a little less critical and hurt and summarise what we can do.We can use Subscriptions API beta if we have filed for public beta access and have been granted access for one of our dev apps. This API is well documented in GraphQL Admin AP...
Hi @allOh boy I am glad you mention this.So let me recap what's happened regarding this entire announcement from 11/02.Shopify announces Subscriptions API and mentions Upsell API (only a few noticed, no real info yet)Shopify begins accepting applicat...
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