Hello, I'm trying to determine if this is a real business, or a scam: https://lenorevalles13245.myshopify.com/ Does anyone know if this is possible? I've emailed Shopify, and the store email itse...
Hi, we have a template that shows a checkbox for newsletter signup. Shopify has a setting in the admin that says: Show a sign-up option at checkout Preselect the sign-up option ...
We're using the Bold Bundles package, which requires users to go through a draft checkout flow upon checkout out, in order to see the bundle discounts. This works in all places that are wrapped in Sh...
Hi, we're trying to use the /cart/update.js endpoint to change item quantities in the cart, however, this call is allowing users to add items to the cart even if there's no inventory, without returni...
Jan 3, 2019
Hi, I'm not sure the correct way to approach retrieving a listing of products within a smart collection, for a private application. I'm using this endpoint: https://<store>.myshopify.com/...
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Hello,We are building an app that utilizes the Shopify API to pull store orders from, and then correlate them with specific user information for clients that use our app's service. This includes matching the only identifying information that we have ...
Hello, We have a (live) app, and when people add it to their store, it hits our site's callback url, and then we use the passed-in code to request the oauth access token, which we then save in our DB. We use this token for a few different follow-up...