I'm running a Unity app, and only requesting 8 (yes only 8!) products at a time. The current time is around 10 SECONDS to get my data back. Granted these products have about 20 variants a piece, this...
Hello all, I have a customer who needs the ability to have specific control of a product price within a unity app. My two solutions that I've found are: Create many variants with slightly di...
Hello all, I'm building a Unity app for a furniture manufacturer that allows for custom dimensions. I'd like the ability for the user to provide length, width, and height values (within a set rang...
Hello all, I'm building a Shopify experience into my Unity application. Everything seems to be working, however when I query the ID from a product, I get a string like: "Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdW...
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@SBD_ Just following up with this. Any thoughts?
@SBD_ Just ran a query a moment ago and got this X-Response-ID: "8b2eac4b-f540-4d54-b7fb-6046245b5c20" Here are the content headers:Here is the contents of my GraphQL Query: "{nodes (ids:[\"<product-IDs>"]){__typename ...on Product{id title descripti...
Having similar (actually worse) performance with the API. Made another post about it, we'll see if it gets marked as spam for the second time. Really hope there's just something I'm doing wrong, and this is not the actual server performance we have t...
Using Unity SDK, but ultimately under the hood it is just a GraphQL call to request products data. Not the images, just the JSON associated with the product details and variants. Using high speed internet, and trying PC, iOS, and Android, I'm still s...
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