Hello, I have a store that sells tickets. Each ticket has 3 variants; Adult, Child and Senior. My problem is that the event has a set amount of tickets for the event and it doesn't matter h...
Hello, I have a client I'm currently quoting for to move their ticketing system to shopify. Presently when an order is made, a lot of the data (name, price, products ordered, date, etc) is sent ...
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Yeah, I just found this out! I'm now using /admin/metafields.json?metafield[owner_id]=user_id&metafield[owner_resource]=customerand that's showing the ID's of the resources now. This wasn't very clear in the API docs, but hopefully someone stumbling ...
Hello, I've managed to use the PUT and POST requests to add metafields to my customers. However, after the initial insertion of the data, i cannot update the metafields because i need to pass the ID of the metafield to update. However, I can't get th...