Dec 26, 2018
Hi developers, I'm new in graphql This is my code getShopifyCollections() { this.shopify.client.query({ query: gql` query shop { collections(first: 10) { ...
Dec 19, 2018
hi everyone I'm new in graphql, I'm developing a mobile app in ionic I used this resource to create checkout and add some items, now I want t...
Dec 8, 2018
Hi everyone! I'm building a mobile app in ionic 3, I need to add products to mycart, I did in following way my code clickButton(){ let body={ "quantity": 1, "id...
Oct 9, 2018
Hi @everyone arround a month a gor I created an app in ionic to fetch products and created orders in shopify store, my app was working but now when I send a post request from ionic app to shopi...
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Hi everyone
I'm trying to build a mobile app in ionic using Shopify storefront api,
fetching products is ok and adding item to cart is also ok, now; how to place an order? I thing storefront api doesn't support creating draft order
If I use ad...
Hi @Janis Elmeris
Could you please explain how you used cart api
I'm developing a mobile app using ionic, I need to add item to cart using admin api
thank you