Hi, we're suddenly receiving this message: [{"message":"Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: 1e678e65-9546-4899-93d8-670488c9e9ce (include this in support...
May 12, 2020
Hi there, We're working with a partner to arrange a longer trial period than what they originally accepted with a the Recurring Application Charge they accepted (we want to increase the tria...
Hi there, I'm having a weird issue where sometimes (not every time) whenever I try and create a Checkout using a line item I get an error saying "Internal error. Looks like something went wron...
Oct 22, 2019
Hello, I've been doing research on implementing Apple Pay into our app. We're using React Native for our framework. I noticed that the main way to implement Apple Pay is by using the Mobile ...
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I have a bit of a dilemma, our app utilizes both the Admin API and the Storefront API for different features. We currently utilize the Admin API to retrieve a list of products within a given collection, however sometimes those products that the func...
Hi, kinda quick question. Is there a way to check if a store has listed any given item in your app's sales channel before using the storefront api to attempt to retrieve it's full details? For example, when pulling in a list of items by collection, ...
Hi @_JB Thank you so much for your DM. Using the info you provided, we solved our problem! For everyone watching this thread, what we ended up needing to do was make sure our request to the Shopify Card Vault included both the amount field and uniqu...
Hi @_JB I think my previous reply got marked as spam. We tried those suggestions to no success. I even tried including the paymentData as an escaped JSON object with data coming directly from Shopify's Card Vault but no luck. The interesting thin...
Hi @_JB
Thanks for your response. We've disabled password protection on the store in question, as well as set payments to test mode. We used a test card, but it still wasn't working, so I thought to combine the advice given by @daniel_sonny and ...
@daniel_sonny thanks for the response. Unfortunately it seems like escaping the JSON response that we're getting (using React-Native-Payments) doesn't cause the payment to be accepted or orders to show up. Just to be clear, are you still experiencin...
Hi @daniel_sonny do you think you could provide the format of the request you're sending to the checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV3 endpoint? Minus any sensitive info of course. I just want to be sure since I think we're using different SDKs to ...
Thank you for the response @_JB The request header is: "x-request-id":"3889712b-591f-414f-bbc5-9679ec99c67d", I know that the store's payment processing has not be set to test mode, and for whatever reason when trying to tokenize a credit card in th...
The error we are now seeing is still located in the Abandoned Checkouts section of our dashboard, when we click on one of the checkouts in the list, it shows up at the bottom. We were able to get this far by ensuring that everything related to accept...
Yep! This same thing is also happening to us with an Apple Pay token as well
Hello there, We've made some progress and are now seeing this error in our store when attempting to complete and pay for a checkout order With not much to go on, is there anything you would suggest we try?
Hi, thanks for the response It looks like we have payments set up as according to that documentation, so here is our x-request-id header: f39dd67b-cef9-46c5-b99a-c44f549f092c It looks like even though a legitimate credit card was provided, the respon...
Am I missing an additional step? The return Checkout object has an order field that's just "null," and nothing is showing up in my Shopify admin dashboard under orders. I've followed this documentation very specifically (adjusting to the checkoutCo...