Hello all, I am trying to build a new shopify theme for my store that is fully speed optimized. Originally I was planning to start from scratch however that seems like a lot more work than is necessa...
Is there any way to update the meta title and meta description via API? I do not see anything in the documentation regarding this and when i tried to update those attributes the update was not reflec...
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Hi, were you able to figure this out? we are also trying to solve this
My current solution is to use github to host the repo, and connect that repository as a shopify theme. When I make changes to the theme I push it to the github repo (which get forwarded to shopify). When I make changes on shopify theme customizer in ...
We are using Shopify CLI to develop a new theme based off of Dawn 3.0. We are editing the code on local machine, using "shopify theme serve" to test, and making customizations to the theme using the Online Store Editor. When we push the theme to our ...
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