Looking for assistance setting up a shipping script for a Plus shop. I don't have much Ruby experience, hoping to hire someone who can hop in and sort this out quicker than it would take me to f...
I inherited a custom theme from another developer, which was apparently made before the sectioned era. When I try to add sections the usual way, I just see a "This page doesn't have sections" message...
I'm puzzled here. I feel like I've done this a dozen times before - setting up a page template that uses sections. I'm adding this to a client's theme that didn't have sections yet. So, I: ...
Hi, I'm having an unusual problem that's beyond what Shopify support can handle, so they directed me here. I'm using cart attributes, and about 5% of the time, they don't come through with the ord...
Hi, Is it possible to sort a collection based on metafield values? For example, if you're selling books, the standard alpha-asc/alpha-desc sorting works fine to sort based on the book title, ...
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I'm new to GraphiQL and working through the tutorial to use a custom font in extensible checkout. On this step - Step 4: Apply a custom font to secondary surfaces - it suggests to use this to query files to find the GID of a font I just uploaded:  qu...
Anyone have any thoughts here? Can we do this directly within the script or would we need to set up a shopify flow to apply order tags?
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