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Yes, please, bring it back. It was so useful to see right there at a glance several key performance data of the day, without needing to start digging into reports, analytics charts or other menus of the admin. Hope this comes back soon. Thank you.
Pirate ship does all that automatically via API integration, Josr. Once connected to your store, it imports all orders and as you fulfill it syncs all data back into your store's admin. Check out this one for a great and quick crash course about it: ...
Yep, that's right, ShopTime2. We ended doing the same and migrated all our usps label buying to Pirate Ship now and problem solved. Same rates than when using Shopify Shipping (or slightly lower in some cases), but beautiful crystal clear labels and ...
True, Fred. However we've been avoiding that because in the past we tested that when putting any logo or identification of our brand/name store on the external shipping package somehow it mysteriously and coincidentally increased the rate of lost/mis...
We noticed that starting this week a new update was pushed that on Shopify Shipping makes all purchased shipping labels to come up now with a Shopify logo displaying on them.We don't like this update at all. We feel it's invasive for the brand experi...
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