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‎12-07-2024 12:52 PM
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Bio: Built over 500+ Shopify stores. Here's a quick sampling : • https://heimat-textil.com/ • https://glowflowchefs.com/ • https://new-farmers.com/ • htt...

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Hi guys, First time I've run into a partner payment being late. Was due yesterday but didn't come through. Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? I've called support who ...
For the life of me, I don't know why ALL themes don't include fade/slide as a simple toggle. That said, looks like Symmetry is using Slick Slider. Thought I could just tweak the follo...
Looking to change the slider's "Slide" animation to a simple "Fade". Seemed like it would be a simple transition setting. Can't seem to find the right class though.
HI! Michael here. Founder of ShopaFree.me <- The World's Only Free Shopify Setup, Design & Updating Service. -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
Any one know of (or wanting to collaborate on creating) a Chrome Extension or Grease Monkey script that will allow for writing custom shortcuts to move around in the Shopify admin? Tried ShopifyBuddy...
Anyone interested in collaborating on building an open source Ultimate Shopify Framework that is more visually compelling and interactive (i.e. animations, hover states, etc) than anything ...
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"Soon" = The mother-shop's definition of course!  By that measure, they're about 2 years away from adding file and image exports.  Then we can chat about native export/import management for Collections and Metafields (guesstimating 2030 for those   ...
Two workarounds listed in this thread.  One with another script approach the other with the app Matrixify.
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