Hi there, Is there a way to create a collection that has multiple product types, for example Tops Boys that holds the type T-Shirt, Sweater, etc. AND filter on a gender tag Boys. So it ...
Hello, In my sidebar I have listed all vendors with the code below. Now I want an .active class to the <li> when that particular vendor is selected. I want to do the same thing with a ...
Hi folks, I am having a little trouble finding a solution to the following. On my site (www.systemstore.co) I have the following code that produces a linked list form all the product types. {...
Ahoy Folks, Everytime I want to add a list to the product discription, I get this annoying bug where it keeps adding <span> tags with a line height assigned to it. It's off from the global l...
I keep getting this zoomed in view on all mobile devices. Instead I would like it to start with 100% width and unzoomed. I've tried adding code like this, but with no success....
Hi folks, I would like to add a image logo to the product page. I want to place in a fixed place. How could I do this the easiest way? See image below. I would think it would be best to g...
Hi folks, I'm looking for a way to retrieve the date of when the product is created. I want to display on the product page 'This product is available since --/--/--'. Is there any way to coll...
Hello fellas! So I am trying to paginate the storefront. I have the following code but I dont know how to call the index template tag. The docs didn't bring me any help. Do any of you know wha...
Hi folks! I am trying to do the following: I want the date that is set for a blogpost to signify the release date of the product. This means that the dates are set in the future and automatically u...
Hi, I'm trying to give a link on the product page to the vendor. But the following code just puts out 'Unknown Vendor'. I'm very sure I have assigned vendors. {{ product.vendor | link_to_vend...
Hi Folks, I was wondering if there is a way to automatically set the vendor in the URL like so: www.store.com/vendor/product-name Is there a way to do this, since this would help a lot for SEO pur...
Hi Guys, So here is the deal. I have a store that uses the shopify music theme . This theme uses a limited amount of jQuery 1.4, like for the zoom function on the product images. I wan...
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@kpvw's app does exactly this, so marked it as a recommended solution.  https://apps.shopify.com/advanced-custom-collections/
Not yet, i get the error on this page https://sadvcoll.voidworks.co/app/login/finalize/?code=271fbaded3a6fb1cf090c113a030c75f&hmac=097d9b50957832d51dd1fd0c31a0ae1fe6ccf063da49b9da31d1cb8b6584f41e&shop=little-livily.myshopify.com&state=70f0daa7-e2cd-4...
Hi @kpvw  Thank you for sharing this app. I am looking for something like this on another project too that needs to exclude tags. I tried to install it but I get a Server Error (500)  Can you let me know when this is resolved so I can try again? Than...
Hi folks, I want to create sale collections such as 10%, 25%, 50% off. I was wondering if there is a way to create smart collections based on a condition that looks at the compared price and looks for the % off, but couldn't find this option in colle...
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