Has anyone seen a theme where there is both an add to cart and a quantity box within the collection page? I'm looking to make something like a spreadsheet order form so my very specific client ...
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I disabled Ground Advantage because I was getting the inverse issue.  Shopify was charged $10-15 LESS than what Shipstation calculated.  If I use Shopify's inbuilt shipping, their default box size causing improper shipping would likely result in retu...
we had to disable Ground Advantage. Shopify internally gets the shipping costs VERY VERY wrong.  We lost over $75 in shipping undercharges in one day.  I tripled the weight on our products and it still didn't correct.  at 5x the product weight, we go...
looks like that did the trick.  Don't know how the code worked, and was a little nervous putting it at the absolute bottom of the file, but voila.. ThanksMatt
I don't see that code segment.  Is it consistent across templates, or specific to one?  I'm using OutOfTheSandbox 'Turbo 7.0' themethanksmatt
I'm looking for a solution to this bug as well.  I want the 'in store pickup' available as a shipping option, but NOT on every product page.ThanksMatt
I have a number of POS staff, each have their PIN, but when setting up, I'm required to provide an email.  It seems odd to create dummy email addresses because it's not ethical to direct personal emails to receive business content, and it's not sensi...
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