We’re looking for someone to join our small team as a full-time Rails Developer, to help us build amazing Shopify applications. You can learn more about us, the job and how to apply at https://w...
I've just run into an issue where another application managed to deactive my application's registered CarrierService. Checking out the API, it does indeed seem that a call to GET /admin/carrier_se...
Hi all, This is a topic that's come up before (here, here and here), but I've just been digging in to this and thought I'd bring it up once more. Basically, it would be very desirable from a de...
Hi everyone, I just launched Mastering Shopify Themes, a deep-dive course into how to design successful Shopify themes. Would really appreciate any feedback or advice you guys have! ...
Hi all, I've just spent a bit of time recording a few screencasts to demonstrate how you can get a Shopify App up and running with the Embedded App SDK in 15 minutes. Hopefully useful for anyone who'...
Hi all! I'm in the process of writing this course on designing and developing Shopify themes. I'd really appreciate any feedback from those of you have that have worked with themes before - what pa...
Just though I'd let the community know about am open source tool I've just released that aims to make managing the settings.html files in your themes a lot easier. It's a Grunt plugin that you can ch...
I'm having some problems verifying a webhook request that's been created with a Private API key. The webhook request is sending the HMAC verification header, but the digest I'm generating is differe...
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If you have the user's username and password, you could simply POST them to the store's /login endpoint. If you get redirected to the customer account page after that, you have the right credentials.
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