Hi all, Merchants have the option to "Automatically" or "Manually" capture payment for orders, however there is no Request value that defines the transaction kind on Hosted Payment ...
Hi, We are implementing our gateway in Shopify. Everything is working except the callback. In the code below $this->shopifyVariables are the required variables in an array. $postbackURL...
Hi, We are starting work on a gateway to be used on Shopify stores. As a start I was working thorugh the Hosted Payment SDK documentation and I am at this stage: Using the Hosted Payment Simu...
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Hi @KB77 , Thanks for your reply, much appreciated (I've been waiting for a reply for a wee while now). I asked that question because a payment app doesn't get an immediate notification from Shopify when the app has been uninstalled. Based on the web...
I'm building a payments app and I'd like to know how to differentiate between the two payloads: 1)  payload received from Shopify during OAuth (when merchant clicks on 'Connect' )2)  payload received from Shopify when the merchant clicks on 'Manage' ...
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