I have an ongoing issue with customers being unable to pay a Shopify invoice using Paypal The amount of the invoice changes to 0.01 each time they click to pay. I have been asking...
There seems to be an issue when using duplicate order, it is no longer highlighting products which are out of stock. I use this function on a regular basis as it is a great time saver and until this...
Site is going well, has been up a month now and as we are getting used to it we are tweaking and looking for ways to improve. Any feedback appreciated please https://www.rawtogo.co.uk/
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Hi, I know this has been an issue for years and it causes me and others hassle.  My work around is to put the local delivery charge as a custom item which then enables the order to be changed at will.
We used to have a highlight at the top of the order page if we tried to sell something that was out of stock.  This was a great tool, but it doesnt happen any more. All the boxes are ticked for stop selling when out of stock. We take many repeat orde...
We have several regular customers who place weekly/monthly orders, well, we do it for them.  Currently use a task reminder on calendar then send the invoice to the customer on given date.  It is getting a bit unwieldy now and wonder if Shopify can do...
We go to products page and the list appears of all the products in one drop down box, great.  Scroll down tick what we need.  Last week, without any amendments or changes by us the product list slide bar (on the right side) does not go all the way do...
The bank said there is no reason, other payments have been made.   I have changed the payment to paypal (using the same card) and payment was taken without issue.   I did see on the forum there was an issue with Mastercard payments APL??  codes.   
I had email to say sub was not collected, checked with bank, they could not see any issues.  Funds in account, other card payments had been made.  Spoke to Shopify they say issue with bank and round and round I go.I use a Mastercard, my only card.  I...
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