My store is based in the UK so I need to show my products with the VAT but as I'm selling more outside the EU. I need my store to take off the VAT for non-EU cus...
Okay I love the new Messenger but in the last five minutes alone I've heard from two different people that have received updates that haven't ordered from my shop. One was from a man whose wife pl...
I'm not sure this is the right place to post this but I need so help and advise. I've just checked my Google Webmaster and 477 pages are reported as The page may not render properly due to resou...
I use MOZ to check for crawl errors weekly, since my site has gobne from http to https I'm getting mulitply crawl errors reported, they are either Error Code 804: HTTPS (SSL) Error Encountered o...
I've only recently started using tags in my blog posts to show related pages which has increased the number of pages being viewed which is the result I was looking for but it has also meant that Goog...
Woudn't it be awesome if you could start and finish a sale in your Shopify store without having to reply on apps that aren't always reliable? I'm sure it could be done by being able to do a bulk a...
I had an interesting but worrying email today from a customer who reported that her virus checker blocks my site saying it contains potentially harmful content! I sell knitting wool and patterns so c...
I was adding a new product today and usually there's an area in the actual product for data relevant for use with Google Shopping like the products category etc but it's no longer there. I don't reme...
Is anyone else having a problem with the create new account button on the confirmation of order screen at the checkout? You can click but nothing happens, looks like its a fairly new problem a custom...
Lots of customers are confused when they get to the stage where they have to enter their discount code as there's no obvious space or apply button until they left click on "have a discount code, ente...
I've been using Shopify since April last year! I'm not at the moment VAT registered but it looks like that's about to change. As I'm in the UK, UK customer will pay the VAT but customers outside won'...
does anyone know of a wish list app that will work with variants? I sell knitting wool in multiple shades/colours and want a wish list that will allow my customers to not only select the yarn but sa...
I've sold quite a few gift cards now but only one customer has made a purchase using a gift card as part payment. The transaction has gone through just fine and left her gift card with a zero balance...
I've had a problem with my product images flickering, it seems to occur when the first product variant sells out and that same product is the first image shown. It means customers can't select the va...
Sorry in advance if this has been answered already, but I've searched and can't find. I've several social media icons in my header and ideally I'd like these to be nofollows for seo purposes. How do...
I've gone to edit an existing product today and the format of all my products in Shopify are now looking very different to how they looked yesterday! The font has changed and the spacing too, where I...
Some of my blog posts, as they span over several pages in terms of URL's although they look like one page, an example is
I'm working with an SEO company and they have reported that my site has second canonical tags on all my pages. Does this mean I've implemented the rel canonical tag incorrectly? If I have...
I'd like to add my stores telephone number and the text "telephone orders welcome" to my footer just below the copyright, but I'm not sure how to do it; can anyone point me in the right directio...
Liquid Warning: Unexpected character & in "cart.note && cart.note ==''" I get the above warning in my cart.liquid, can anyone tell me how to solve this? It occurred after I remove...
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I ran the new store grader and found that I have several syntax errors. Three of the errors look to be all related to the same piece of ...
I've set GWT for my domain and verified it, but when I opt for www. to be my prefered domain I get the following message: Part of the process of setting a preferred domain is...
I'm trying to overcome duplicate content caused by paginated pages in collections. Example: Canonical URL: Duplicate URL: htt...
I've done a quick check of my homepage and my H1 tag is not found. I thought I'd added on through editing the "Welcome" page that appears as part of my homepage but this doesn't seem to have worked. ...
How would I go about making the standard 404 page a bit more user friendly? So instead of my customers just getting the standard message "there are no products here" they get instead links to areas o...
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