Is it possible todo either of the above with the script editor? I need to use data from a json file in the asset directory or call one via ajax. I know it uses Ruby so maybe it can be done?&nb...
I'm attempting to get today's orders with GraphQL. Here is my "today" 2020-04-01 15:04:14.779098 America/Los_Angeles (-07:00) 2020-04-01T15:09:30-07:00 I then execute the graph ql query like so...
Is there away to get the edge to return only product tags equal to? Here is my query: const queryOrders = `{ orders(first: 10, query: "created_at:='${timeRange}'" ) { pageInfo { ...
Using the create api in node. I'm doing this. shopify.productImage .create(, { "image": { "variant_ids": [ product.variants[0].i...
I currently have created a private app on my store. According to the documentation I should be able to access the data using api:[email protected] When i go to the url fr...
I currently have this in my code {% if page.url contains 'variant=10706655427' %} Run this code {% endif %} My url displays like this: REALURLHERE1?variant=10706655427 However my code doe...
Hi! So I've followed a tutorial for shopify to allow images to display when a user selects variants. Here is what I've done. Step 1 I setup the images to display here:
Hi all! I have a site that I'm currently working on and I would like to have a different type show up when a different variant is selected. User selects size and then color: http://screencast.c...
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Were you able to get a solution to this? I'm experiencing the exact same thing as you.  
I'm passing:  "type": "json", "value": JSON.stringify(discountDetails) But I"m having same error as you.  Any idea why this is happening? Here's my variable:  const discountDetails = { selectedCollectionIds: [ 'gid...
I had one more question so sorry! I'm passing this value (this is from graphql) "value": "{\"selectedCollectionIds\":[\"gid://shopify/Collection/310827712556\"],\"tags\":[\"CL Og test\",\"VIP234234\"]}",  When I run hasAnyTag(tags: $tags)it always re...
I currently run the following query on a run.graphql:    query RunInput($tags: [String!]) { cart { lines { id quantity merchandise { ... on ProductVariant { id product { handle ...
[build]automatically_update_urls_on_dev = false
Thank you for your amazing help I had one more question. How does run.graphql know to reference the metafields for the variables? in example:: query Input($selectedCollectionIds: [ID!], $tags: [String!]) {Correct me if I'm wrong but would they be add...
I'm sorry I didn't explain it correctly.  Here is what I mean.  I have one function called product-discount.This function creates a discount.  Suppose the function creates:Discount1, Discount2, Discount3 Each one of these discounts gives a discount b...
Ok got it.  Suppose I have one function but I have multiple discounts.  (As stated above originally in the first question) is there away I can make the name space dynamic? Currently the way it looks there's no dynamic way to look up data.  Dynamic in...
Thank you! The documentation is slightly confusing.  In Step 2 it says to create the fields in metafield-values.jsonBut then below it says to set them in set-metafield.graphql mutation.  Then in step 3 it says to load them via the extensions toml lik...
What was your solution or work around?
In the same example suppose multiple discounts are created how can I pass a discount id to the run.graphql query?query RunInput { discountNode { metafield(namespace: "can I make dynamic and have it use the discount id?", key: "function-configur...
I doubt it.  Shopify functions run on their servers.
I currently have added a price rule to shopify via the post method.const title = body.get("title");const price_rule = new{session: session});price_rule.title = title;price_rule.value_type = "fixed_amount";
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