Mar 30, 2016
Hello guys! I created app locally but I need add my app to store that other users can could install it. What I need do? How is this process? Now app is stored on my local server but where it should s...
Mar 21, 2016
Hello! I need to change theme.liquid file by my application, namely add some strings for example {{ 'mystyles.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }} How I can ...
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Thanks for information man
My small question) How I can pass liquid view to sidebar for example? Not to new separate page.
Now my test controller looks like this
render :layout => false, :content_type => 'application/liquid'
UPD: I resolved this issue by adding 'thin' to gemfile
Thank a lot for your answer. It's helped me.
But now I have another issue. I see "bad request" error with proxy request.
1 app settings
2 request on local machine
3 request from shopify (ERROR)
4 the same as shopify r...
Hello guys! I am developing shopify app for the first time. And unfortunately I can't find necessary information.
I created own app and I added some functionality for it. My app can store some settings to the sqlite db. Now I need to pass this data ...