Hiya, So I know that developers like myself can access the Online Store 2.0 features via a developer preview store, however do we actually have any official dates as to when these features will ro...
Hiya, Has something changed with Shopify Theme Previews? Typically in my development setup I have browsersync running on a preview theme (not live) through a proxy, yesterday it complained about ...
Hiya, So I'm curious if it's possible to access a variables value based on another variables name? The aim is to reduce repeated code. As an example: {% assign variable_1 = 'test' %}{% assign v...
Hiya, So I have a Product Form which adds two products e.g: {% form 'product', product %}<input type="hidden" name="id[]" value="12345" /><input type="hidden" name="id[]" value="6789" ...
Hiya, i know that you can get any product in liquid via products["some handle"], but can you get a variations details by its ID? (For a product you're not currently looking at). Or is there anothe...
Hi Shopify, For the last 2 days we've had inconsistent Liquid Errors throwing over some logic that has been in place for over a year without error. This has happened on multiple Shopify Stores too...
Hi Shopify, So I've just read about the upcoming changes to payment testing on development stores - https://help.shopify.com/en/partners/dashboard/managing-stores/test-orders-in-dev-stores How is t...
Hi Shopify, So I came across a pretty interesting bug today (which took quite a few hours to figure out). Lets say for instance you have orders already in place with the tag "Special". &...
Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to apply a discount to a currently 'Authorized' or 'Pending' Order? I've got it working when creating a new Order, but not for an Order that already exists...
Hi, So I'm currently looking at solutions of getting new users that have agreed to marketing on Shopify, to Mailchimp. The App ShopSync sends the information across regardless of the users marketi...
Is it possible to pass in a variable with the Render Tag? The Include statement previously had a 'with' statement that you could use.
Hi, We're currently in the process of developing a new app to allow an additional payment gateway (Finance) by using a new 'Manual Payment Method', Checkout and Order APIs. We won't be using the S...
Hiya, So I have the following code: {% assign fruits = 'Orange, Apple, Pear' %} {% assign fruitsArray = fruits | split: ',' %} {{ fruitsArray[0] }} {% assign fruitsArray[0] = 'Grape' ...
Hiya, So for a bit of background one of our clients has very large collections, and we use the tags for a filter on the sidebar, however because of the 1000 Tag Limit a lot of these are missing. ...
Hi, I'm creating a Draft Order through the API. Upon completing the draft order via the API I'd like to define the payment gateway, currently it just defaults to 'Manual' but i'd like to set it to...
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In the end I moved the majority of the section code into a snippet, created two sections each with the logic of including said snippet and then added both sections to the template. Works basically the same. 
I haven't implemented anything yet, but the only solution I can currently think of is always including the Section, but having the logic of wherever it displays or not inside the section code. So the section will always be included, but may not necce...
Thank you @awwdam !I discovered what the problem was on Friday, it turns out that another App had been creating customers just prior to ours! (Except without a name)This meant, that when we were passing along our customer object (with a name) the API...
Hiya,We're in an odd situation..As part of our App we create Draft Orders using the REST API. We pass in a basic customer object consisting of the first_name, last_name and email address.99% of the time this works fine, however in some cases the Draf...
Hiya,So we're in a situation where we we need to use both Storefront Filter and Tag Filtering.To re-iterate, Storefront Filtering is described here:https://shopify.dev/themes/navigation-search/filteringAnd Tag Filtering is described here:https://shop...
Any other thoughts? 
You'll need to ensure that you have both Country and Provinence in that case created with your Draft Orders on the Shipping Address. If you have a form on the front-end which is used in the Draft Order Creation you can use Shopify's countries.js file...
That would mean doubling up all of the section settings however. Currently I'm able to have one set of section settings for the header for e.g. retail customers, and another identical section file for wholesale. They then pass their data into a snipp...
Hiya,So in the current 1.0 setup you're able to do conditional sections.As an example, if you wanted to bring in a different section depending on product type you can do:  {%- if product.type contains 'Watch' -%} {% section...
It's primarily down to the country field.
@azahinnordinread the documentation, not yet likely Q3 this year.
Hi @azahinnordin  Shopify have announced a new Payment Gateway API coming up. Public Apps only however, details are here: https://shopify.dev/apps/payments/creating-a-payments-app
Thanks for the response again, I'm mainly interested in a Liquid Solution. I want to know what language code is being served by Shopify, as opposed to what's suitable for the user. 
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