Sorting products manually not working in some collections? These collections show correct in Shopify admin - but not when seen in browsers. I have tried look the collection from different co...
I like to have the hover effect on my collection product images. I did follow the guide but can not get it to work. The last step in gudie is to add code so it will look like this: &n...
Hello, Using the Debut theme but I think its same for all themes. In the header announcement bar when customize home page we can write things like - welcome or free fright and so on. ...
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Hi, why you need the dynamic button anyway?Norwegian shop's not use it and your shop will work fine with add to card button only. What payment gateway you planning on using the button with in Norway anyway? TerjeG
I do not know your case here so hard to comment, but from what you writing it seems very special and not acceptable. I guess you should have some warnings and explaining from Shopify as they can not just shut down peoples hard work if that is the cas...
Hi and thanks, - is the shop Im about to build now. Best regardsTerje
Hi thanks, I understand but I have made a Norwegian translating of my Minimal theme - that is sadly not standard. Why I not understand when you have both Swedish and Danish and Norway is the country that shop most on internet in Scandinavia. Anyway h...
I understand from some search its not possible to translate the dynamic checkout button text "Buy it Now" to other languages - it will always be in english language whatever language you have in the shop - is that correct?
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