I was using `updates[{{line_item.key}}]` to add line items with their properties back to the cart in batch. Now it seems to no longer be working. Is there no way to add products en masse with their p...
Apr 2, 2019
I'm trying to add support to my app for working with cart line item properties. I read in the liquid docs that the line item key is a hash of the line item properties. Does anyone know the correct im...
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I’m going through this right now too. I agreed to change my name, but they want it to have nothing to do with its actual functionality. Apparently I need some nonsense word that has nothing to do with it. It is really irritating.
I was told I had to migrate all my app development from public apps to custom apps because we are not allowed to have unpublished public apps anymore. Now I can't test or expand any features related to billing. How do we get around this?
I need to know if the payment due date on an order changes, but when it is updated on the order detail page in the Shopify admin it doesn't trigger an orders/update webhook. Not only that, but the updated_at field also does not change for the order. ...
I am trying to filter orders by their financial status and it keeps returning all orders. Even in the example in the documentation it doesn't seem to work as intended: https://shopify.dev/api/admin-graphql/2022-10/queries/orders#examples-Get_the_firs...
Is the shopify/app-bridge-react library ready for production use? The Polaris documentation says to use that library, but I can't find documentation for it anywhere. https://polaris.shopify.com/components/overlays/resource-picker#navigation bottom of...
You could try using the order form example to do it. Here is a link to example code: https://gist.github.com/carolineschnapp/9122054 Basically you're using "updates" input as the quantity field. If the variant doesn't exist in the cart, it will add i...