Hey! I try to implement an option to upload a video to the product page. I built a code with liquid and HTML that gets the video src from: {{image.alt}} It works just great with Youtube...
Hey! I have a new client, who has a pretty big E-commerce website that had been custom made for him 12 years ago, That provide all his vendors to have their account and update products and order s...
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Hey Maor!Itay from Shoffi.I can see you already got your answer and solved the matter.Wanted to let you know that we updated our docs to make that more clear.Thanks for joining us 欄
Hey!You might wanna check our new app that does it in a similar way, based on purchase:https://apps.shopify.com/pinerafflePlease contact us know if you need any help with it 
Hi!You might wanna check our new raffle app:https://apps.shopify.com/pinerafflePlease let us know if you need any help with it 
Hi!I actually like this Theme a lot.However - I agree that it takes them pretty long time to answer any support ticket.1. https://archetypethemes.co/blogs/impulse/image-and-video-size-recommendations2. I'm not sure exactly what are you asking for. ca...
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