Hi, As a shopify developer since long time, whenever I was visiting: https://partners.shopify.com, it loaded the English website. But since last year, I'm being redirected automati...
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Hi, Recently I have built a multi step product builder for a client. If you are interested to see how it works, feel free to PM me and I will send you the link.
Hi, Custom/Admin apps that's what you need.
Hi, Ask the guy who built that software to fix this issue.
Hi, First of all ask those customers, what addresses are they entering?  And then check the shipping rules for your store.
Hi, If you do not want to use any app to do this OR you can not use the script editor. Then you need to edit your theme codes to do this. It's not that simple though.
Hi, Try to register with an email(that does not exists on your store) on mobile.
Hi Amandaatremix, You do not need metafield for this. Just use product line properties to achieve this.If you need more assistance, you can PM me. Thanks.
Hi, You can use the orders_count property on the customer object.https://shopify.dev/api/liquid/objects/customer#customer-orders_count
Hi,There are css codes inside your theme.min.js .template--collection.@media only screen and(min - width: 798 px) { .template--collection.layout--main - content { padding: 50 px 50 px!important; } } Removed those css codes and your mo...
Hi, You can do that with Shopify flow app
Hi, Of course it's possible, in liquid code, check if the customer is logged in and then write some more codes to change the announcement bar. Easy.
Hi, You are using an outdated version(2021-01) of the api, update the version and it should work.
Hi, Yes, it's possible to provide your staffs with a discount code. Reference here
Hi,Of course you can, check out the developer resources here
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