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hello, for some reason I don't know, link metefiedl direct from the custom of the theme does not work/ The workarround, is to have a custom liquid section/ block, and enter {{ shop.metafields.custom.YourEmbedhtmlAsSingleTextLine }}If your theme does ...
Hi,Yes im experimented on this topic. Shopify has limitation on the size of jsonL file, so you need to splice and wait for the bulkIsFinish web hook, to send the next batchesIt can be tricky when you need to add some information that you can create w...
hey guys{% if section.index == 1 %} This is first section {% else %} this is not the first section {% endif %} Yes now with apps like ShipConvert, you can order modify and translate shipping labels ! have a look 
When you run npm run shopify webhook trigger   it's shopify sending a webhook to your app ! the endpoint is on your side. If you start from a template, shopify add routes and jobs to handle it 
hey hey,  If you use ShopifyCLI >= 3.0 you can use this promptnpm run shopify webhook trigger
try this  {%- capture contentForQuerystring -%}{{ content_for_header }}{%- endcapture -%} {%- assign plan_name = contentForQuerystring | split:'"pageurl":"' | last | split:'"' | first | replace:'\/','/' | replace:'%20',' ' | replace:'\u0026...
hey, Shopify has a bulkInventory adjust quantity endpoint on graphql. You update a JSONL file with all your updates and the ID of locations. All your updates In one call !
Inventory item is a combination of a variant and a location. If you want to find quicky an inventory_item_id without using API, you can check that url (variant edit url + .json) /admin/products/[ID_PRODUCT]/variants/[ID_VARIANT].json the result can b...
Hi there,  You can create a custom app and install it on several stores only if all the store are in the same Shopify Plus Organizations. To do so, you just have to contact shopify to allow the process, with the app id and the url of the stores. Happ...
have you read that :: 
what about the class="slider--everywhere"
hey, I just had to explain the situation on support chat
Hello !  Nous venons de mettre en ligne un connecteur Shopify Axeptio sur l'app Store Si ca peut aider 
I try to subm it an app but this app was rejected cause frame ancestor policy. I need some guidance because I implement content security policy on my embedded pages (I have one link in target blank linked to an external website) Here a screenshot :  
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This widget could not be displayed.