Apr 25, 2019
Hi I'm using this url to make a pre-filled cart: https://shop.supergreenlab.com/cart/add/?id[]=22990585954352&id[]=22990585954352&id[]=22990585954352&id[]=22990590410800&id[]=229...
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If you're looking for an easy way to work on your shipping costs, checkout https://www.shipping-rate-importer.com/It allows to import your shipping rates as a csv file, and apply a few post-processing calculations and filtering to make sure you get i...
Hey!Well good news for anyone coming here, I just released an app that allows to easily import your shipping rates through a csv file.It's at https://shipping-rate-importer.comThe app also allows to do some post processing of your rates, like filter ...
Hey!I'm late to reply here, but I just released an app that allows to easily manage your shipping rates through csv files.It's at: https://shipping-rate-importer.com
Since yesterday the API refuses to create shipping zones for Kuwait with this error: 'Kuwait' must have at least one province associated.The thing is Kuwait doesn't seem to have provinces as the doc says: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-rest/2023-...
Hey sorry for the late reply, I didn't see the notification.I ended up finding why: I was giving date limits to only fetch those that are not expired. But discount code with no time limit don't show up in this case, which makes sense.
I've been using the price_rule API to fetch ongoing promocodes for a while without issues.And today I realized that the API doesn't fetch them all. I've managed to get a few more by filtering with the ends_at_min parameter, but some are still missing...
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467 | 10-06-2022 01:05 AM |