Can anybody give a more detailed explanation on the Cursor and DefaultCursor fields in the graphql api? Is DefaultCursor static while Cursor is temporary and depend on the current connection...
By default if one updates a product handle from the Admin, a URL redirect is created. Does this happen with a PUT to the REST Product API?
Is there a way to create a product with one or many variants and attach a variant image to the variants right away. To my understanding: I create a product with images and variants ---> ...
I recently started receiving this error from the Product rest api - PUT method to update an existing product. {"product":{"id":4327503553535, "variants":[{"id":753753753753773753,"sk...
Hi everyone, Today I was in the necessity of retrieving some deleted product images and I read from another post in the community that I could do it by adding the /deleted/ flag-directory to the ima...
Hi All, Simple question: Do archived orders evaluate to STATUS: CLOSED or do they get a different status? What about CANCELLED orders? Does their status get overridden to CLOSED when archived? Is...
Couldn't find a guide about this.
TL;DR : Using the REST Admin API as the Storefront API because implementing GraphQL, is a too expensive option. I was wondering what harm may bring to my shop if I use the admin Product REST...
How (product) search fields are prioritised by the "?q=something" parameter? I understand that it searches in these fields: body handle product_type tag title variants.barcode variants.sku v...
I tried to set the X-Shopify-Access-Token request header with a POST request to the products endpoint, as advised in other posts here in the community. I used the value of the password of the p...
I know about the existence of the view parameter. Which is used to alternate templates: I ve actually seen (can't remem...
Hi, it's my first question on the community so bear with me please. Google shopping is not accepting products because of missing descriptions. How does google shopping pulls the description ...
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I can see in the Liquid reference that there is a "Currency" object with a "Symbol" attribute The example shows that this code:Symbol: {{ currency.symbol }}should produce this output:Symbol: $  How can I retrieve the symbol property of "shop.currency...
Try to export all the productsOrder them by product idand then use the ?since_id=This kinda recreates the old pagination 
To sum up:The page parameter was dropped from all the REST Admin API endpoints (Some in the 07/2019 and the rest in the 10/2019 release)Now  in order to navigate the API response you will need to parse the HTTP LINK response header, which will contai...
I am using this function to navigate to the next linkIt's in VBA but should be easy to translate it. Function getNextPageURL(ByRef linkHeader As String) As String Dim linkArray() As String: linkArray = Split(linkHeader, ",") For Each link In ...
Hi @jeffBlum_ffa Did the older version on the API worked?Do you have more than 50 orders in your store?
@jeffBlum_ffa I had a look at the docs and the 2019-07 Order API still uses the pagination by page parameter. page DEPRECATEDThe page of results to show.Removed in version 2019-10. Use cursor-based pagination instead. So, for now just pass the good o...
It looks like you are using the 2019-10 version of the API which is unstable and shouldn't be used for production.Maybe that is causing the problem.@jeffBlum_ffa try to use the 2019-07 version. 
Thank you @Busfox  That is pretty clear 
I switched to the 19/07 version of the product API and noticed that passing the page parameter with the endpoint will generate an error:{"errors":{"page":"page cannot be passed."}} Is the pagination functionality changed in this new version?Using the...
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