Just a heads up. If you have in the past, or are now using a company called RedefineSEO to help you with your SEO, be very careful. I have allowed this company ? to alter my page, collection and me...
Where exactly in Shopify do I define my keywords.
For some reason I have let my primary domain name lapse past it's renewal date, and the name providor now wants an exorbitant amount of money to renew it. The domain is testvalleymodels.co.uk. What...
I keep getting false or wrong messages on my admin home page, like the one shown below; However when I perform the search: So what isn't working properly, why is Shopify throwing ou...
This may sound like a silly question. Where do I add my keywords and keyphrases ? I can find where to add my meta-description, but there doesn't seem to be anywhere to add keywords, do I ha...
When sending out products to customers I always include the packing slip I printed off. How can I add a generic message to the end of the packing slip ? I want to ask customers to rate our service ...
I'm getting the impression that "Store Speed" is a load of snake oil. Without touching anything in my store, no new products, blog entries, app installs not a thing, yet my store speed dropped...
How do I show sub collections on a collections page ?
I'm using the Empire theme, and although there is a place to enter Social media links, there doesn't aqppear to be anywhere to asscociate those links with icons, or any means of displaying them, not ...
Why is that you need to add a 'Collections' column to the CSV file to assign products to a collection. Then when you export a product file,it doesn't include the 'Collections' column you creat...
When I upload products I am getting a mass of validation errors, namely; Line 30-44: Validation failed: Image https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0072/6889/2739/products/35326.jpg?v=1604509366 failed ...
Last night I uploaded some updates to my store https://testvalleymodels.com Now all my products have disappeared from display. Some are showing as "not found" in the back end, and I have 14 pages o...
I am trying to connect my EPOS system to Shopify. The EPOS system has an app designed by Junoconnect. Each time I try to connect the APP, I am getting a "Cannot connect to server error" I have spo...
Since transfering to a TLD I've had an error message crop up on my back office home page, it reads; "To continue receiving payouts, you need to update your name in order to verify your identity." wi...
I'm having a problem using images downloaded from wholesale sites. In trying ot add them from the product page as a URL I get an error stating that it's an invalid file type (WEBP Image) If I use t...
Is there a way of customising the blog into sections, rather than just a list of entries. Can you post links to specific entries in product descriptions ?
I'm trying to import products via CSV file. After inserting a couple of products manually, i exported that file as a template to add the rest of my products to. On importing I get the following err...
I want to insert keywords into my site for search engines. eg, If you search "model shops hampshire" my site doesn't show up Which file in my theme do I insert keywords ?
I'm having real issues sorting my navigation / collections out. Background The basic menu is plastic model kits The shop sells similar products by different manufacturers People in ...
If I export my products to perform updates vis a csv file, can I assume that Shopify only updates those products, or do I have to delete products I haven't updated before importing the file ?
I'm having a problem with nesting collections in the Nav menu, no matter how hard I try I can only get two layers of navigation ie Wargames > Bolt Action When what I need is a mini...
Is it just me or is anyone else gettting the "Reply" ad other buttons obscuring text in forum posts ?
One for the hive. My shop is for modellers, and they use a lot of different colour paints, both brushable and for air brushing. My question is what is the maximum number of variants I can have for&...
Hi I'm trying to integrate my Epos Now Till system with Shopify. I'm stumbling at the product verification process. Shopify is reading the deleted products database, and giving me a duplicate barco...
Any English shop owners out there managed to set up shipping rates for Royal Mail who charge by weight and size ?
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Every product handle (look in the Handle column has to be unique, fix that and it will load
The main reason for this happening is that you haven't assigned a unique title to each product under the "Handle" heading in the spreadsheet, check this out first.Most ecommerce platforms do this for but like in many other things, Shopify is very lab...
Unless you can get a developer to write some code, that is not possible.The only way around this is to add  more images in the main product
On the product page for the variant.Go to the list of variants, click on edit, you can add separate images for each variant there
It appears you may need to set up your payment methods.>admin/settings/payments You should be able to set it all up in there, you will need a linked bank account
I'm not sure how a screenshot will help.On the product page in admin, go to the "pricing" sectionIf the "Charge tax on this product" box is checked, the margin isn't shown.If the box is unchecked, it shows the profit margin of the product.
Open  Facebook and Instagram accounts if you haven't already done so.Ask customers to leave reviews on Google.Ask customers to review your products on relevant blogs, or family members, leaving links to products.You can also review your products on y...
Is there a snippet available to show the product margin on the product page when tax is included
Unfortunately there is no quick fix, if there was we would all do it.You have to build backlinks yourself, visit blogs etc, Facebook, Instagram etc.You also need to submit a sitemap, and open a Google merchant account, the diagnostics in that will te...
This is a feature which should be included with Shopify, it's a very basic and simple calculation !RRP - (TAX) - (Cost)It's plain bone idle development, the developers can mess about with other "features" but not insert this one.
Yet another rant about Shopify/Google and SEO in general. The Shopify product file gives you a large amount of Google headings, which all appear very helpful, until you realise that entering data into these fields is totally pointless, Shopify takes ...
Someone else trying to encourage me to spend money on an APP that doesn't work
I have 3000 products on file,I'm not paying $24.99 a month for something that I should be able to do without hassle.Buying apps eats into my profits and margins, which means I work for less.
I have already stated that it is the link that is not operating. @RhynoNZ wrote:When i use that option i get an email to my gmail with a link to download a csv file - do you have that option ?I'm requesting my product file from admin.The issue is Gma...
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