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I got this working by using the new checkoutAttributesUpdateV2 mutation and returning the note as a top level field on checkout.
Any movement on this? I am also unable to add a note and I also don't see using the cart api as an option as this was implemented after I started my project and there is no way of converting a cart into a checkout, meaning the developer is responsibl...
This is a css hack, which lays the foundation for a technical debt trap, and the new Shopify checkout which is currently getting rolled out will make this hack irrelevant.
Bump. Still the case in 2023/02 even on the release candidate for the next api version. I only use the Storefront API and really don't want to have to add another admin proxy endpoint.
I can see from the request which is happening in the background that nothing is being sent to Shopify. This is definitely a bug with the theme so you should raise it with the theme developers, their contact information should be located where you ins...
Shopify stores a lot of images on its content delivery network when you upload them. It also compresses them into a different format and has the ability to crop. The problem you're facing is likely with the connector app you are using to send product...
Hi, I can see from your page source that the data is loading from Shopify's server as is. So this is likely a liquid issue. If you look into your theme code, you should be able to find a file that contains the word 'article' and ends in '.liquid'.You...
Yeah this will definitely contain JavaScript. Check the sources tab in the inspector, hopefully they aren’t uglifying their script but  tbh the JS you need is super simple. Just take the input and split it by a delimiter and then run that against a f...
You don't have to specify any variants/options. Shopify will automatically create a default variant if the product does not contain any. 
It is not possible without the help of a developer. The dev will upload the sections used within that template into your store and include theme inside of the index.json file and tidy up any conflicting code.
The Checkout ID is made available for you after creating the checkout, in the response. You can store this Checkout ID in storage or attach it to the checkout as an attribute or you could pass it as an AJAX Cart attribute which should be readable fro...
Can confirm that logging in with reCAPTCHA it is still an issue on 2.6.5
I haven't worked with shopify cli yet but I'm keen to get into soon ever since I saw the recent hot reloading updates for liquid. What do you think about using the dist folder for doing theme pull? If a pull gets the uploaded dist to shopify, would i...
Agree, this feature makes no sense and the docs aren't very helpful
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