<style> /* The Modal (background) */ .modal { display: none; /* Hidden by default */ position: fixed; /* Stay in place */ z-index: 9; /* Sit on top */ padding-top: 0px; /* Location of t...
<div class="grid-product__meta"> {% assign flag = false %} {% for t in product.tags %} {% if t contains 'Theme_Faith' or t contains 'Theme_Fitness and Wellness' or t contains 'Theme_Budget...
1 - onclick button 2- Get variants id and pass in data $('.bc').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var value = $(this).parent().find('#vari').attr('value'); alert(value); $.ajax({ ...
{% assign sched_start_date = block.settings.sched_start_day | append: '-' | append: block.settings.sched_start_month | append: '-' | append: block.settings.sche...
#dynamic-checkout-cart>div>.shopify-cleanslate:last-child>div>div>div { margin-left: 10px !important; float: right; width: 48%; } ...
{% if cart.total_price <= 10000 %} {% assign barvalue1 = cart.total_price %} {% assign barvalue2 = 0 %} {% assign barvalue3 = 0 %} {% capture my_variable55 %}You are just <b>{{...
<?php function CallAPI($method, $url, $data = false) { $curl = curl_init(); switch ($method) { case "POST": curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); if ($data) { $data_string = json_encode...
//ADD on theme.lquid code {% if template contains "product"%} <p class="button_click_cart"></p> {% endif %} //csss put p.button_click_cart { width: 100%; height: 45px; display: bl...
1 - Add this code in snippet <label class="currency-picker__wrapper"> <!-- <span class="currency-picker__label">Pick a currency</span> --> <select class="currency-picker...
///button link on collection page <div class="category-btn float-L font16 font500"><a href="https://www.abc.com/pages/gallery-image?q=casselberry-saddle" title="Photo Gallery">Photo Gall...
{% if link.title == "Mother's Day" %} {% for link in linklists.blog-mother.links %} {% assign producthand = link.url|split:"/"|last %} {% assign productdata = all_products[producthand] %} <d...
<ul class="site-footer__links"> {% for link in linklists[settings.footer_second_menu].links %} <li><a href="{{ link.url }}">{{ link.title }}</a></li> {% endfor %} &l...
{% if link.title == "Mother's Day" %} {% for link in linklists.blog-mother.links %} {% assign articlehand = link.url|split:"/"|last|prepend:"news/" %} {% assign articledata = articles[articlehand]...
<!--- popup ---> {% for order in customer.orders %} <div class="center hideform" id="order_number{{forloop.index}}"> <div class="popcontent"> <div class="ordersum"> <p...
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{% comment %} remove URLs from asyncLoad {% endcomment %}   {% assign urls_to_remove = '  https:exampleUrl1.com,  https:exampleUrl2.com,  https:exampleUrl3.com,  '  | strip_newlines  | replace: ' ', ''  | split: ','  %}   {% for url in urls_to_remove...
{% comment %} remove URLs from asyncLoad {% endcomment %}   {% assign urls_to_remove = '  https:exampleUrl1.com,  https:exampleUrl2.com,  https:exampleUrl3.com,  '  | strip_newlines  | replace: ' ', ''  | split: ','  %}   {% for url in urls_to_remove...
Yes I have do it through cartBuyerIdentityUpdateurl- https://shopify.dev/docs/api/storefront/2024-07/mutations/cartBuyerIdentityUpdate
<script>$(".main_slide").slick({slidesToShow: 1,slidesToScroll: 1,autoplay: false,arrows: true,adaptiveHeight: true,autoplaySpeed: 2000,});$('.bundle_media li').click(function(){var imgs = $(this).attr('data-src');$(this).parents(".custom_imgslide")....
query {metaobjects(type: "tetx" first: 5){edges{node{idfields{keytypevalue}}}}}
query {metaobjects(type: "slider" first: 5){edges{node{idfields{keytypevalue}}}}}
{% for data in product.metafields.custom.select_list_icon.value %}{{ data.text }} -{{ data.select_icon_image | file_url }} <br>{% endfor %}  globally for shop{% for data in shop.metaobjects.metaobject-name.values %}{{ data.author }}{% endfor %}
@Moritz-Fra  You need to customized the code or please check theme admin settings.
<script>$(".main_slide").slick({slidesToShow: 1,slidesToScroll: 1,autoplay: false,arrows: true,adaptiveHeight: true,autoplaySpeed: 2000,});$('.bundle_media li').click(function(){var imgs = $(this).attr('data-src');$(this).parents(".custom_imgslide")....
<script>$(".product_tile_color_holder ul li input").change(function(){let vTitle = $(this).attr("data-title")let vImgs = $(this).attr("data-img")$(this).closest(".tab-content-product").find(".vtile").text(vTitle);$(this).closest(".tab-content-product...
<ul id="tab__{{ section.id }}" class="tabs"><li><a id="tname_{{ section.id }}" href="#tab-{{ section.id }}-1" class="active">{{ section.settings.id}}</a></li><li><a id="tname_{{ section.id }}" href="#tab-{{ section.id }}-2">{{ section.settings.id }}<...
<form method="post" action="/cart/add" style="visibility:hidden"><input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ vardID }}" /><input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="/checkout"/><input min="1" type="number" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" style...
{% assign collection_handle = collection.handle %}{% assign linklist_exists = linklists[collection_handle].links %}<ul>{% for link in linklist_exists %}{% assign linkObj = link.object %}{% assign linkCollection = link.type %}{% if linkCollection == '...
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}{% assign prodimg = childlink.object.featured_image %}{% endfor %}
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