Hi everyone, I'm using the Brooklyn theme and I would like to split the nav bar with the logo in the middle of it as this example : for the moment here's what i got : ...
Hi, I would like to know if someone has already used a Google App Script turned into a Web App as a webhook endpoint? I've triggered a webhook that sends a POST request to an Google...
Hi, I got a problem when trying to run this code : function put(){ var urlPut = "https://peachday.myshopify.com/admin/api/2019-07/customers/CUSTOMERID.json" var params = {...
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Bonjour à tous,  En éditant mon site, j'ai supprimé la nav bar qui prenait beaucoup de place sur mobile, mais maintenant j'ai mon logo qui est trop grand et mon menu qui l'est aussi. J'ai essayé toutes les solutions proposées sur le forum pour des pr...
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