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I don't see why not - as long as you can identify the origin store either through a url param or in the payload. I mean that is what public apps do right?
Ok so I have actually writ about this before - creating app proxies should be easy and for some reason Shopifys changes have made it awful.The current situation as I understand it: Private Apps are misnamed and should just be called custom integrati...
follow this guide to check that the link has been made correctly:
Hey @Busfox, Thats a great write up - yes I just wanted a public non-published app to take advantage of the app proxy feature.I wish I had found something like that when I started looking through the documentation or that the guru knew to link me to ...
Yes exactly - installs fine But I can't tell you if it will work properly for your needs - I assume it will. I think installation was the issue. And there are still many apps that are installed this way. eg intercom
OMG it worked! why couldn't they put the documentation for that right in the partner portal. I have managed to install the app now using this step - still feels so hacky to me. I think there used to just be a button to initiate the process from the p...
Hi @gdavisdesign, thanks for replying! Indeed you are correct that the expectation is that the credentials will be held in your custom app. A lot of systems talk about these being api-proxies. eg airtable. In this case I am using an active campaign ...
I have just discovered that Last year Shopify stopped partner developers from creating private apps with there IMOH most important feature: proxy url support. I am now in a real crisis of a pickle as I have a client who was relying on this to embed a...
@Busfox Can you elaborate on how to do this? I have a client for whom we need to get an active campaign email marketing sign up form into a shopify page. Unfortunately I cannot see how I am supposed to setup an app proxy for them when it cleary state...