Jul 27, 2021
I have several brands that I feel have the potential to be very successful but I want help exposing them to the corrupt audience along with facebook advertising advice and assistance. Is there any s...
Jul 21, 2021
I sell boxing reflex balls in the united states and believe I am the only one in this country to do so, while other sellers ship from China. Here is my product page: https://boxingreflexball.com/pr...
In a facebook ad campaign, you enter in interests that people who you think would want your product may be interested in. Facebook marketing is all about targeting people with certain interests and t...
Sep 20, 2019
I wrote an article/blog which has been getting good traffic. The intention of the blog is to send more traffic to my product page. Let me know how the article/blog can be improved. ...
Sep 14, 2019
Hey guys, I sell boxing reflex balls, tools that help improve your technical boxing skills. This is my ad. https://www.facebook.com/2299311620117049/posts/2456071204441089 ...
Sep 12, 2019
Hello, I was wondering what should be my #1 priroity if I want to maximize revenue in the long run? When getting traffic on my product page, should my goal be to collect the visitors emai...
Sep 12, 2019
Hello, Any feedback would be appreciated to help my page look more professional and trustworthy. <span class="lia-unicode-emoji" title=":grinning_face_with_big_eyes:">😃</span> https://movelivefeel.com/collections/frontpage/products/boxing-reflex-ball  ...
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I know my clothing brand has lots of potential because I have gotten huge orders in the past. I would like some critique on it to help improve conversions. Here is my website:www.theclothesbrand.com The brand is meant to be simple funny humor.