I have noticed that Shopify now supports international pricing. However, there isn't any documentation for setting up a country selector (we have currency selector already). I have discover within t...
We are currently on Shopify Plus plan, and we are trying to develop a Wechat Mini Program. Wechat has strict limitations on websites open in their web-view element (ie. domains and iframe's src need ...
We have recently found our website is redirecting using this type of url. https://mydomain.com/services/currency/update?currency=CNY&return_to=%2Fzh-cn We are wondering if there i...
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Hi Guys, We just built our own Wishlist App on a separate server. While I tried to make a POST request to our API server, the following error came up:"has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requeste...
An easy way is create automatic discount and with 'Buy X get Y' over a specific amount. Then select the free gift in Discount Panel. 
Make sure your pages have exactly same handle as your productfor example /products/abc-123 /pages/abc-123 then past this code to Section> product.liquid(Or whatever your product template's name)<script> window.location.href = "/pages/{{ product.han...
Yes, you could achieve this by add javascript to your theme. If you are not familiar with coding, I could help.
@SamAM @Kate1c2 Hey Guys, sorry for the late reply. Basically, the gift card email sent from Shopify redirect customer to a checkout.shopify.com/gift_cards/xxx address. However, the gift card still works if you change checkout.shopify.com to yourdoma...
Hey Guys, I have recently found a problem with my gift card. When I send a gift card to someone, they will be linked to a address start with "checkout.shopify.com". However, it should be "mystoredomain.com/gift_cards/...something". So I look up on sh...
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