Feb 18, 2020
We have recently noticed that on some of orders, the items are marked with line item properties that say "_Customer Tag: retail" It doesn't happen on every order, but for those that it does happen on...
We have an issue with our shipping rates being calculated after a free item discount is applied. We offer free shipping on orders more than $50, however when a customer uses the free item di...
I know we are not the first to request this, but we would really like to see the option to limit the payment methods that customers can used based on their location. We want to only allow customers o...
We are using a page to offer certain products for free when a customer spends a certain amount. On this page we have images of the items being offered and we would like to add some 'Add to cart' butt...
Sep 16, 2019
Our store is looking for a way to be able to allow customers to receive the highest discount off. So for example: Customer is buying an item that is already 5% off by using the price and compare at ...
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Hi Paul,My situation is different, but I would also really love to be able to use a feature like this as well (unless you have a different solution).Shopify and other apps we've tried won't update customer tags as needed when they subscribe or unsubs...
We just tried this with one of our customers and it worked! It was one of our customers who made an order with a typo in their email. We merged the wrong customer profile to the right one and the information and orders merged with it.We had to double...
Being able to Merge customers would be extremely beneficial for our company as well.
We have identified that the problem was coming from a bug in our theme code. The theme developers were thankfully quick in implementing a fix for us.
We have a had a few customers contact us now saying that items are being deleted from their carts when they are trying to place an order. We have been unable to reproduce this issue here in house, so we aren't sure what could possibly be causing this...
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Subject | Views | Posted |
3816 | 02-25-2020 01:18 PM |