I am using the WebhookSubscription mutation to subscribe to PRODUCT_UPDATE topic and want to restrict the fields i get on the ProductVariant. Filtering seem to work fine for top level fields: title, ...
Hello, I am using the `InventoryItems` graphql api to periodically fetch inventory that has changed in the last x hours. I use the query parameter with the `updated_at` field. However...
I am trying to create an DraftOrder using the Admin graphql api and wanted to know if there is a way to guarantee that the orders can be uniquely identified during creation time. More broadly, how do...
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We've started seeing this issue in the last 24 hours. The shippingRateHandle / title input we pass as part of the shippingLine field for draftOrderCreate seems to be ignored, the resulting draft order is defaulting to some ransom shipping method (in ...
Hi @Kevin_A Sorry about the late response. This is our bad actually. The service that handled metafield deletion internally was configured to use different app credentials. Thanks for your help on this!
Hi @Kevin_A ,The following permissions are granted:Inventory - Read and WriteFulfillment service - Read and WriteLocations - Read Product listings - Read and WriteProducts - Read and WriteShipping - Read and WriteOrders - Read and WriteOrder editing ...
Another ping @Kevin_A ! Would appreciate a response! Thanks!
@Kevin_A Any updates on this issue? Thanks,Sameer.
I didn't have that product handy, but have the same error with another id.New metafield id: `gid://shopify/Metafield/14503551631517``X-Request-Id: aa17c889-aa74-4dd4-b241-b0bd06c1cb3e`Here is the response:{ "data":{ "metafieldDelete":{ "d...
Hi @Kevin_A Thanks for the response. I am trying to do this in the our app code and using a private app account configured on Shopify. As I mentioned in the edit, it works fine in another shop instance that we own. The permissions for this private ap...
Hello,I am using the graphql  `metafieldDelete` mutation to delete a metafield and the api responds with an error saying metafield id not found. I build the api request to delete by using metafield ids I get from the products graphql api and I can se...
Aha thats works! Thanks for the solution. As a suggestion, may be this should be returned as an error message in the response itself, would definitely save time in debugging.
@hassain My bad on the GraphQL input data I fixed the ids but I am still getting errors in the update response. Here are the steps to reproduce:GraphQL mutation:mutation ProductUpdate($input: ProductInput!) { productUpdate(input: $input) { prod...
The productUpdate mutation is failing when the update request has metafields at the ProductVariant level. It works fine without the metafields.  I get the following error. Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end. Request ID: ec9a...
Can someone from Shopify support team please help?
This request/response below is from a GraphQL Client but I get the same error when using client code as well. mutation ProductUpdate($input: ProductInput!) { productUpdate(input: $input) { product { id createdAt updatedAt ...
The `productUpdate` mutation is failing when the update request has metafields at the ProductVariant level. It works fine without the metafields. I get the following error. Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: 5a1a...
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