I am using Debut and would like to figure out a way to modify the Abandoned cart message for those customers who leave. Any suggestions on how I can modify it, without coding experience? ...
Jan 16, 2021
Hi all. On my store, Marilyn's Gift, I am trying to offer a product in the Debut theme that my customers will have the ability to send to one of two locations (it may grown to additional locations o...
Hi. I currently have the FB, Tweet and Pin it buttons showing on my featured product on my store. Unfortunately, it does not appear that they are actually showing up when I try and...
We have been in business for about 10 months. Could you please take a look at the site - www.marilyns.gift and let me know your thoughts? We are trying to figure out how to get more peopl...
Hi. I would love to get some feedback on my website/store. My website is www.marilyns.gift and we are a subscription gift box business that delivers products on a quarterly basis.&...
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I am also having the same problem. Love to hear how you guys fixed it.
Does anyone know how to remove a Facebook business account? We closed our store as it was not successful but Facebook will not allow us to close the page as it says Shopify is listed as a System User, Thanks for your help!!
SealSubs, thanks so much for your response. I appreciate your feedback.
Paul Newton, thanks so much for your reply. I am trying to look at your answer and see the best way to make it happen. Thanks.
Thanks so much for your help!
Hi. We are using the Debut theme and our website is www.marilyns.gift
Hi. Our website is www.marilyns.gift and we are using the Debut theme.
Hi. Actually, we are interested in having them sign up for a quarterly subscription which we offer for $44.99 per quarter that they would send to a loved one. In return for signing up, we will send the purchaser a gift box for the cost of shipping.
My company is called Marilyn's Gift (www.marilyns.gift). We are trying to increase sales by offering a special deal where if people subscribe to a new subscription (we use ReCharge) they will receive a small gift box for themselves for the cost of sh...
Thanks so much speedboostr. I will reach out to them.
Hi. I am on the Debut theme. I had two orders come in last week and was starting to process. I reached out to the customer and asked if they would like to leave a note as it was close to Mother's Day. The customer stated that they had included a ...
I looked at lighthouse by google but do not know how to make the various changes. Any help would be appreciated. My website is marilyns.gift. Thank you.
Following. I have upgraded to GA4 and do not know how to put the Tags in our shopify store. We are on the Debut theme. Look forward to hearing what others think is the way to solve this issue. I am also using my UA google analytics #