Hey so with Chinese New Year, how do you guys let your customers know? I don't just want to send them a random email, so how can I send them a professional looking email to inform them of possible 2 ...
Hey guys, lately in the last 2 days or so my store has been acting weird when clicking buy now or add to cart. It doesn't seem to work half the time. The currency converter also seems to have s...
Hey guys, lately in the last 2 days or so my store has been acting weird when clicking buy now or add to cart. It doesn't seem to work half the time. The currency converter also seems to have s...
Hi, my website is littletingles.com and my theme is Debut. How can I get the add to cart / make a selection button to shake? (to draw attention?) And how can I get a subtotal to show up w...
Hi, my theme is debut. My site is littletingles.com My images change fine when a variant is selected, and vice versa. HOWEVER, if my item has 2 or more options, for example "colour" and "...
Hi, I have recently made it so that customers can click on images of products and have the options change. I also like having the featured image as first. However before selecting it says "pick a und...
Hi, I am using debut theme. My site is littletingles.com I would like my cutomers to click on the image and then the variant to change. I have tried following this: https://help.shopify.com/en/...
Solved thank you
Hi I'd like to know how I can update the price on my product page if the customer selects a quanitity of more than 1. For example if they select 3 of the same item then the price should autoupdate in...
Hi I'd like to know how I can update the price on my product page if the customer selects a quanitity of more than 1. For example if they select 3 of the same item then the price should autoupdate in...
Hi, I followed: https://help.shopify.com/en/themes/customization/products/variants/show-featured-image-on-product-page so that I could use the featured image on my product page. The proble...
Hi, recently I have been getting an error when items are clicked to be added to cart. I have an older verson of the theme that doesn't have the error (which is the one current live on the website - l...
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Figured it out myself. If anyone ever has this problem. I had to add:value="{{ variant.id }}"> {{ variant.title }}too line 162 so that the code would look like this: <option {% if variant == product.selected_or_first_available_va...
Hi, I've started getting this error "Required parameter missing or invalid: items" when adding to cartMy theme is debut, my site is littletingles.com My product-template.liquid code is :<div class="product-template__container page-width" id="Produc...
Thank you, worked perfectly
Hi, I'm using the debut theme. My site is littletingles.comI have been trying to edit "theme.scss.liquid" to move the "shop now" button I have created. I can't find the code that controls this in my theme. Can someone please tell me how I can move th...
same problem. Not sure why a proper answer hasn't been given?
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