I have recently published Shop-2-Doc Catalogs. It's an app for generating PDF catalogs based on products in your store. Even though it's a paid app, there is a 7 day free trial so you can ea...
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Hi, It looks as though your menus have different ids. Try the following:ul#SiteNav, ul#MobileNav { li:first-of-type a { color: red; } }Regards,Tom
Could you share the url of your store so that I can take a quick look? Regards,Tom
Bo, I was surprised to see your answer, as it's an approach I wouldn't have thought of. I tried it out in my own store (accounting for the span/style typo in the closing tag) and no dice. Can you confirm that it works?
Hi Sonya, If you are at all familiar with editing your site's css this should not be difficult. Just follow the step-by-step instructions below: In your store admin, select 'Online Store' then 'Themes' from the panel on the left.On the themes page, i...
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