Hi, First of all Thanks to the Shopify community to guide me in different things. My name is Smith and Now I am going to start a new Shopify store. I want to add a Survey form in my store which is o...
Hi Community, I want to shift my local store to Shopify. Because I am facing many problem in my store. Before 2 years ago I started a store like Czench local store which is on bižuterie ná...
Hi Community, I build my store on blackhead remover tools and I got a number of sales but due to some payment method issues, I don't receive my payments. I connect with my PayPal account but fr...
Hi Community, I want to track all user activities in my store which is helpful for me to arrange my Shopify store and its product setting which is helpful for users to buy easily and get it. Pl...
Hi Shopify Community, Now I am going to start my new store on Shopify where I provide grills products like charcoal grills and many more products like that. Can you guide me which is the best ...
Hi Shopify Community, Can you guide me on which payment method is best for my Shopify store? Because my product is for international customers. Please guide me on which payment method is best. Thanks
Hi Community, I want to get funds for expanding my store. Here my question is that How can I get funds on shopify by crowd funding? Is it possible or not. Please guide me how can I do well. Thanks
Hi Shopify Community, How Can I use shopify for my own making gaming products. Is it possible or not. If yes then please guide me how can I do that. Thanks
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Thanks for this amazing and helpful tutorial about Fixing header and Navigation for Debut Theme. I also face that problem but due to your tutorial, i solve that problem and my store is running properly. Again Thanks.
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