Apr 26, 2020
shopify app bridge using in analytics shopifyql but i did not get the report. AppBridge.actions.Analytics.fetch({ query: 'SHOW count() FROM visits SINCE -2w UNTIL today', success: ()...
Jan 14, 2020
{ shop { products(first: 5) { edges { node { id productType handle } } pageInfo { hasNextPage } } } } that's my query to get product type . it's working fine bt it's return duplicate p...
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Hey @jumpoff Upon searching a bit I found a couple of connectors which seems good , below are those mentioned https://www.skuiq.com/shopify-clover-integration/https://www.kosmoscentral.com/integrations/connect-clover-point-of-sale-shopify Both websit...
Hi @SSethi It looks like Windward system five provides an API gateway to connect to any cloud based system. You can use it to connect to your shopify store. Please refer to the below link https://support.windwardsoftware.com/support/solutions/article...
mutationmutation orderEditAddLineItemDiscount($id: ID!, $lineItemId: ID!, $discount: OrderEditAppliedDiscountInput!) { orderEditAddLineItemDiscount(id: $id, lineItemId: $lineItemId, discount: $discount) { addedDiscountStagedChange { id } ...